
For which Version of James can I use yaJamesManager?

yaJamesManager 0.6 is tested with James 2.2 and 2.3, but it may work with earlier Versions too. Feel free to report other Versions.

What are the system requirements for yawebmail?

yaJamesManager minimal requires a JVM of Java-version 1.4 and a Servlet-Container conforming to the Servlet-Specification 2.3 / JSP-Specification 1.2.

Which (web-)application-server do fulfill these requirements?

yawebmail is developed and tested under Tomcat 5.5, but these ones should do the job for you too (if you encounter problems, please report them):

- Tomcat since version 4.1.34

- JBoss since version 3.2 (Tomcat 4.1.x included)

- Apache Geronimo since version 1.0

- Bea Weblogic since version 6.1

Feel free to report others.

Mode of operation

How does it work?

It uses the James Telnet-Remote-Manager to process the admistration-tasks (that's why you have to provide your Remote-Manager-Logindata).

Is it a good idea to use the James Telnet-Remote-Manager?

No - it's not very fast and it will break if the telnet-interface changes. But almost every James-User will have the Remote-Manager installed and will be able to use yaJamesManager.

Why doesn't it use the RMIRemoteManager?

Because I think almost nobody got this one flying...

I had a hard time even to get the build-script finish its job; at least one class has to be fixed to actually compile and some .jar-files just aren't there (even so I got myself the "with-phoenix-archive").

But if you're brave at heart, you can fill the class

with life and change the

to return this one instead of the